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The order of CSS will affect their priorities. While we will retain the order of rules, sometimes you may want to group some utilities to have more explicit control of their order.


Unlike Tailwind, which offers 3 fixed layers (base, components, utilities), UnoCSS allows you to define the layers as you want. To set the layer, you can pass the metadata as the third item of your rules:

rules: [
  [/^m-(\d)$/, ([, d]) => ({ margin: `${d / 4}rem` }), { layer: 'utilities' }],
  // when you omit the layer, it will be `default`
  ['btn', { padding: '4px' }],
rules: [
  [/^m-(\d)$/, ([, d]) => ({ margin: `${d / 4}rem` }), { layer: 'utilities' }],
  // when you omit the layer, it will be `default`
  ['btn', { padding: '4px' }],

This will generate:

/* layer: default */
.btn { padding: 4px; }
/* layer: utilities */
.m-2 { margin: 0.5rem; }
/* layer: default */
.btn { padding: 4px; }
/* layer: utilities */
.m-2 { margin: 0.5rem; }

Layering also can be set on each preflight:

preflights: [
    layer: 'my-layer',
    getCSS: async () => (await fetch('my-style.css')).text(),
preflights: [
    layer: 'my-layer',
    getCSS: async () => (await fetch('my-style.css')).text(),


You can control the order of layers by:

layers: {
  components: -1,
  default: 1,
  utilities: 2,
  'my-layer': 3,
layers: {
  components: -1,
  default: 1,
  utilities: 2,
  'my-layer': 3,

Layers without specified order will be sorted alphabetically.

When you want to have your custom CSS between layers, you can update your entry module:

// 'uno:[layer-name].css'
import 'uno:components.css'

// layers that are not 'components' and 'utilities' will fallback to here
import 'uno.css'

// your own CSS
import './my-custom.css'

// "utilities" layer will have the highest priority
import 'uno:utilities.css'
// 'uno:[layer-name].css'
import 'uno:components.css'

// layers that are not 'components' and 'utilities' will fallback to here
import 'uno.css'

// your own CSS
import './my-custom.css'

// "utilities" layer will have the highest priority
import 'uno:utilities.css'

Released under the MIT License.